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Letter from C. Molderez, dated 1997/ 2/25 - de Vogelaere

.....I give you hereafter what I know about de Vogelaere. This name goes back to the 14th century: 1337 in Brugge - 1362 in Axel (NL): shipper in the region of Kielstadt (frontier Belgium - Holland). From there over Antwerp - Gent (origin of my great greatfather) to Brugge and later to the rest of Belgium ( for the moment about 400 with one of the variants of the name (variants over 600 years - for the moment 3 or 4). One of the dV of Brugge was a very important person - coffer maker - his name was Lieven - in the OLV Church in Brugge - near the H. Cross chapel, you can see the grave-stone of the 3 children of Lieven deV (about 1550)

Guillaume d V magistrate in Axel (1362) NL
" Clerk? in Veune?-Steenberke (1421) B

If you are still interested: Mr Urb NAERT - Em Coolslaum, no4 in 8250 EERNEGEM (B) is the author of a book about another branch of the De V family

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